Easter Cookie Extravaganza

Easter weekend I went a little bit crazy. Once again, I made the insane decision to search “Cookies” on the Smitten Kitchen. Could I make just one type? Of course not. Could I make just two? Insanity! So Saturday before Easter, I made 4 types of cookies, little baskets to put them in, and (of course) a layer cake. That’s too much for one post so we’ll just start with the cookies!

Cookie One: Twice-baked Shortbread (smitten kitchen link here)

This is the cookie that started all the trouble. When I saw that the dough needed to rest for a few hours, I thought “hey why not make something else while I wait.” For my very first crack at shortbread, I was pretty pleased with how it came out – very buttery, not too sweet, and all in one piece (okay I broke one corner but I ate it immediately so really that’s for the best)! This cookie was also the least fuss. Super easy 🙂 It did come out a little thinner than I might have liked (I did the 9×9 square pan) so I might try a different size next time.

Cookie Two: Sprinkle Fun-time Cookies (smitten kitchen link here)

I don’t think that’s what she calls them but it’s an apt description. These look delightful, were super quick to make and surprised me with just how good they are. I’m not normally a huge fan of a sugar cookies so I figured I’d make these to add some color and fun to the baskets and then have the others as the real tasty options. I should know by now not to doubt the Smitten Kitchen. The sprinkles are sweet but the cookie isn’t overly so. They were light and fluffy and absolutely the first to go when I brought the remainders to work.

Cookie Three: Chocolatey Sabley Things (smitten kitchen link here)

She calls these World Peace Cookies which isn’t any less dumb than what I just called them. But don’t judge a cookie by its tagline – these things are AMAZING. They’re rich, dark, chocolatey mouthfuls and the texture is perfect. Really, you just have to make them. Next time, I’m doing a triple batch and freezing two thirds of the dough. It’s a perfect chocolate cookie.

Cookie Four: Literally the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies I’ve Ever Had (smitten kitchen link here)

These are my new favorite. Just as simple to make as a regular chocolate chip cookie (with the added step of chopping up chocolate – ugh) but the decadence is on a whole new level. I was also excited to get to buy the fancy flakey salt that they call for. Look at me! I’m a real baker! The chocolate chunks make the cookies a little harder to ball up to put on the tray but once I accepted the sticky-outy chunks, it went more smoothly. None of these made it past my husband and I, so my coworkers didn’t get to weigh in on these. They’re irresistible right out of the oven. Really. Resistance is futile.

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