Chocolate Puddings

I had a chocolate craving this weekend and my solution (of which I’m now very proud) was to head on over to and do a command-F for “Chocolate.” One of the first recipes I laid eyes on was this one for chocolate pudding. Because Deb’s a genius at writing recipes that you can actually make, I had everything I needed on hand and set straight to work. I was amazed by how freakin’ easy it was. I listened to a bit of the 5th Harry Potter in audiobook and unloaded the dishwasher (all while stirring occasionally) and voila: pudding! I loaded up a few ramekins and some small glass dishes I have from compulsively buying Delici Desserts mousse cups at Costco every time I’m there. It turned out a tiny bit lumpy (even after pushing it through a sieve) and not quite as dark as the smitten kitchen pictures but it was totally delicious. I do think I’ll follow her hint next time and replace a square of semi-sweet with unsweetened chocolate

My cousin was over for game night that evening so I also opened up a tin of stroopwafels which we used for scooping. Yuuum!


And here’s one of the ramekins with my blurry dog behind it (you’ll notice there’s an itty bitty bite out of it already cause I couldn’t wait):


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